These basic settings identify your school.

Record Basic System Settings

Go to: Settings> System Settings

  1. Record your School Name as it should display where ever the school name is displayed.
  2. Record your Library Name as it should display where ever the school name is displayed.
  3. Record the Library Reply-To: Address, e.g., [email protected]. Note: This address must be valid and will be used to capture any email responses from email recipients.
  4. Verified From: Addresses is not currently used.
  5. Set your Library Timezone from the dropdown. Note: This setting aligns date formats and time to your time zone.
  6. Set you Library Locale from the dropdown. Note: This setting reflects the currency used to purchase resources.
  7. Set the School Logo Hyperlinkprovide a webpage URL if you prefer to direct patrons to another location when they click your school logo from within Infiniti. Note: This can be disorienting for some patrons and should be used with care.
  8. Set School Logo Position for Side Bar, Top Bar or both.
  9. Set a Library Login Message if required.
  10. Set Custom Stylesheet toif you wish to implement custom stylesheets. Note: You should contact Infiniti Support prior to using custom stylesheets.
  11. Patron Session Time-out is set to a duration of one hour by default and cannot be altered.
  12. Generic User Session Time-out is currently set to a duration of twelve hours and cannot be altered.
  13. Library Admin Session Time-out can be set to a common duration of between one hour and twelve hours. 
  14. Retain Deleted Patron Loans is set toif you wish to preserve resource circulation statistics of removed patrons. Note: This process anonymises patron records and is useful if you want to report overall usage statistics which includes both current and past patron usage.
  15. Street Address details can be recorded and are necessary for emailing Orders in Acquisitions.
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