Individual Users will display in Infiniti Circulation only when they have the 'Enabled' option ticked in their User record.
Any user who has 'Enabled' unticked in their user record is now inactive and can only be found in the User area.
Inactive users do not show in the drop down list in Circulation > Issues.
Note: Overdues for inactive users will still appear in Circulation reports.
1. To deactivate a user:
Login to Infiniti with System Administrator privileges.
Go to the Settings cog
at far right of the black bar at top of Infiniti screen.
Click on the cog.
Click on Users in the left hand menu bar.
Search for the user to be deactivated.
- Click on the name and open the record.
- Untick the Enabled box.
- Update the user record - this user will no longer appear in lists or groups in Infiniti.
- To re-activate this user, re-enable the user by ticking enabled and Update.
Note : you can create a list of Users using Reports > Users > User export > choose Academic level/s, Library Group/s > Search, or View all. If you wish to Bulk deactivate a set of users you may wish to use this documentation.
2. To deactivate an entire Cohort after Graduation:
- Login to Infiniti with System Administrator privileges.
- Go to the Settings cog
at far right of the black bar at top of Infiniti screen.
- Click on the cog.
- Click on Cohorts menu at left
- Click on ON/OFF switch at the right of the graduated cohort - this will deactivate the entire Cohort
- To reactivate this Cohort, click on the ON/OFF switch to ON and these users will be visible again in Infiniti.
3. To keep a graduated or left user with outstanding loans active but with no access to resources:
- Retain user as an Enabled user if you wish them to appear in Circulation.
- Ensure the User is in a Graduated Cohort - this means they have no Circulation access rights
- Remove the System Group 'Library Users' from the user record
- Users who graduated in previous years to the current Academic period should already be in a Graduated cohort via the End of year Rollover process
- If not sure of the user settings, edit the User record:
- Go to the Settings cog
at far right of the black bar at top of Infiniti screen.
- Click on the cog.
- Click on Users in the left hand menu bar.
- Search for the user to be deactivated.
- Click on the name and open the record.
- Leave the User Enabled
- Click on the Cohort box and select a Graduated Cohort
- Untick the System Group 'Library User'
- Update the user record eg.
To remove them from the Library Group/s:
- Configure > Access controls > Library Groups
- Click on the Member icon for the required Library Group
- Find the person in the Right hand Selected list
- Click on the person to remove them from the Selected list
- Save changes
Viewing these users now in Circulation:
- In Infiniti > Circulation, search for the User in the Issues screen
- The messages below will pop-up on to the screen indicating the User has no borrowing access rights.
- The messages appear because the User's graduated cohort has no Site or Section access and no Circulation Right to grant a number of loans from any Section.
- The Graduated year level will appear on the Circulation screen to advise that the student has graduated and will have no borrowing rights.
- While the message can be overridden and a loan forced through, the Due date will be the same as the loan date.
- When the User's loans have eventually been returned or marked Lost, the User can be edited and deactivated as in 1. above.