You may wish to :
- Add a Form class manually or
- edit an existing Form Class name or
- choose Teachers as Instructors
- choose students to add to the Form class.
The steps below with screen shots illustrate the steps.
Go to the Settings cog
Edit a Form class:
- Click on Enrolment menu at left
- Ensure you are in the current Academic year tab
- Click on the blue spanner at right of the name to edit
- When screen opens, edit the name eg. change 1G to 2M
- Save eg.
Add a new Form class:
- Repeat steps 1 and 2 above
- Click on
button to add a new form class for this Academic Period
- Add a Name for the class
- Choose students from the left hand list under the Users tab by clicking on names at left under the Users tab or search and click so that they appear in the Selected list at right
- To associate Form teachers with a Form class:
- click on Available names at left under the Instructors tab to select teacher/s as Instructors for this form class.
Note: Both Instructors and Users will be saved to that Form class when Save Changes is clicked.
Email an Instructor/s with overdues for their Form class
- Go to Reports > Circulation > Overdues > choose either Academic levels or Form classes > Search
- Click on Email button > choose 'Email Form class Instructors' from the dropdown
- Confirm that the instructor/s attached to the chosen Form classes will be emailed