Following the EOY Rollover of existing academic year levels to the next level, you will need to create a new cohort for the new incoming year e.g., Prep, Year 7.

Schools can choose a variety of naming conventions to identify their academic years.

Go to: Settings Cog> Cohorts

  1.  - to create a new cohort.
  2. Name - craft a cohort name to reflect the year the students in this cohort will graduate, e.g., Class of 2031, Class of 2038
  3. Start Date - start date of the current academic year, e.g., Jan 2024, or 1 Sep 2024
  4. End Date - the end date of the future academic year this cohort will graduate from your school, i.e., the expected graduation date, e.g., 31 Dec 2031, or 30 Jul 2025. Note: The year component (YYYY) of the end date should match year descriptor in the Name of the cohort, e.g., Class of 2031 will have an end date in 2031, Class of 2025 will have an end date in 2025.
  5. Academic Level - select the correct Year level for the current year, e.g., Prep or Year 7. Note: This is the lowest year level in your school.
  6. Academic Period - current Academic year, e.g., 2024, or 2024/2025
  7. Cohort Ignored When Importing Users - only used for already Graduated or student cohorts. Note: Not used for active year levels as prevents import taking place.
  8. .

Sample Academic Years

Approximate Start of Academic Year
Sample Start Date
Approximate End of Academic Year
Sample End Date
Possible Academic Year Naming Convention
Northern Hemisphere
August to September 1 Sep 20XXJune to July30 Jul 20YY (next year)Class of 20XX-20YY
Southern HemisphereJanuary to December15 Jan 20XXNovember to December30 Nov 20XX (same year)Class of 20XX

Before setting up a new cohort at the start of your academic year, calculate the year in which the students in this new cohort will graduate from your school. This information may come from your student administration system or you can calculate it by adding the number of years students in the new cohort will be at your school before graduating to the current year, e.g., new cohort for year 7 students in 2030 in a high school will graduate is the year they finish Year 12 (6 years later), and a new cohort for year 1 students in 2030 in a K12 school will also graduate is the year they finish Year 12 (12 years later).

See Sample Table Below

Primary/Elementary School: Year 1 students, 6 years at school, starting 2030

Current Academic Year
Graduate Year
Possible Cohort Name
Start Date

End Date
Northern Hemisphere

Class of 2035-36
1 Sep 2030
31 Jul 2036
Southern Hemisphere


Class of 2035

15 Jan 2030

30 Nov 2035

Secondary/High School: Year 7 students, 6 years at school, starting 2030

Current Academic Year
Graduate Year
Possible Cohort Name
Start Date

End Date

Northern Hemisphere

Class of 2035-36
1 Sep 2030
31 Jul 2036
Southern Hemisphere


Class of 2035

15 Jan 2030

30 Nov 2035

K12 School: Year 1 students, 12 years at school, starting 2041

Current Academic Year
Graduate Year
Possible Cohort Name
Start Date
End Date
Northern Hemisphere

Class of 2041-42
1 Sep 2030
31 Jul 2042
Southern Hemisphere


Class of 2041

15 Jan 2030

30 Nov 2041

Sample Cohorts

Sample Northern Hemisphere

Sample Southern Hemisphere