Some eBook and eAudiobook subscription services supply schools with a MARC21 bibliographic records for each subscribed title. These can be imported into Infiniti to create digital links to the vendor's service platform. Wheelers ePlatform subscription service provides a method for MARC21 records with school unique links (URLs) to be imported into your catalogue using Z39.50. If cataloguing services, e.g., SCIS, have a more complete or richer catalogue record for each record you have imported, then you can enrich these basic MARC21 records with metadata from that service.
Import MARC21 eBook and eAudiobook Records
Go to: Cataloguing > Imports > MARC 21
- Set
as the import file format. Note: The import file should have .dat, .mrc, .marc extension, be unzipped, and less than 32mb in size.
to locate your already prepared MARC21 import file.
- Existing Record Treatment - records are matched on ISBN or ISSN. If a matching record is found:
- Always create new records - will result in duplicate bibliographic records with matching ISBN/ISSN.
- Overwrite Existing Records - will result in the imported bibliographic record overwriting the existing duplicate bibliographic record with matching ISBN/ISSN.
- Skip Existing Records - will result in the existing bibliographic record remaining unchanged and the bibliographic record in the import file being ignored. Note: Choose this option to avoid duplicates if you are unsure if you could have existing records.
- Add Copy For New Records - for bibliographic records contained in the file:
- Yes - create a placeholder for one copy of this record. Note: The placeholder record will have to be updated manually to record its URL.
- No - do not create a placeholder for this record. Note: A complete record will have to be added manually including its URL.
- Digital Records Only - create a placeholder for one copy of this record if the bibliographic record is for a digital resource. Note: All records in the current import file should be for eBooks or eAudiobooks so this setting is irrelevant here.
- Site - select the site for this batch of digital records. Note: Digital items should be stored in a digital site, e.g., Digital - General, Digital - Senior, Digital - Teaching Resources depending on the target audience for the eBooks.
- Media Type - choose:
- Use Media Type Import Rules - the import process will determine the media type based on preset rules.
- {select appropriate media} - all records in the batch will be assigned the selected media type, e.g., ebook, eAudiobook
- Exclude Subject Vocabulary - choose:
- SCIS - exclude the SCIS subject headings.
- ScOT - exclude the ScOT subject headings.
- SCIS and ScOT - exclude both SCIS and ScOT.
- Current Import Behaviour - changes dynamically as import selections are made. Note: This is a dynamic message that changes to reflect the import settings chosen above and the settings in Configure > Settings > General, and should be read carefully to ensure the imported records will be processed as expected.
- to process the file.
Bulk Update New Records
After importing the digital records, their Status may have to be updated to your defined online status so they can be found and accessed directly from the OPAC.
Enhancing Or Enrich MARC Records
If you have the ISBNs for a set of imported eBooks or eAudiobooks, you may be able to refresh or enrich their MARC individually or bulk enrich their MARC records from a remote source.