Digital resources are non-physical curriculum, teaching and learning materials such as ebooks, video files, podcasts, audio files, websites, PDFs, images, and other files you might like to curate. Descriptive records of digital items can be curated or catalogued in Infiniti in much the same way books and other physical resources can.
Digital resources can be stored almost anywhere on the Internet or on a local school server, and if less than 32Mb in size they can be stored in your school's Infiniti cloud. Once stored, digital resources can be shared in numerous ways on almost any device. From a cataloguing perspective digital resources must be tagged to a locally defined digital library site within Infiniti.
Cataloguing or Curating Digital Resources
Digital resources curated in your Infiniti catalogue are identified with attributes similar to physical resources, i.e., they have a bibliographic record. The major distinction between physical and digital resources is that digital resources are stored in digital file format, whereas physical resources are stored in physical format on library shelves in a geographical or physical setting.
Because of this major distinction Infiniti manages physical and digital resources differently and requires the cataloguer or curator to clearly identify a resource as being either physical or digital.
This distinction is made by tagging each digital resource with two key attributes or tags at catalogue time:
- Media Type - Infiniti has a number of reserved media types, displayed in italic font, and you can define additional local digital media types as long as they are identified as digital. Reserved digital media types include: eBook, eAudiobook, audio file, video file, website, file, image, and PDF.
- Site - all digital resources are stored in a digital site defined locally as required. Digital sites are identified as digital and are used as a container for a particular audience. eg. Digital - General, Digital - Senior, Digital - Teacher. Note: When searching your catalogue, patrons will only be able to find digital resources in sites they are permitted to search.
- Section - all digital resources are in a reserved section called Digital, displayed in italic font, which is automatically tagged to every digital resource. Note: You cannot define your own digital sections.
Infiniti has a number of core media types which you should familiarise yourself with prior to cataloguing or curating any digital resources.
The process of cataloguing or curating digital resources consists of two basic steps:
- Create a bibliographic or descriptive record for the resource.
- Attach or link one or more resources to the bibliographic record.
Catalogue or Curate a Digital Resource Manually
Go to: Cataloguing > Digital Resources
Show me an image of the bibliographic screen for an eBook...
- Choose the type of media you are going to catalogue from the Digital Resources panel to create a template.
- Populate bibliographic data on the template as required. Note: To switch to a different digital media type, choose from the available digital media type in the Digital Resources section of the drop down list.
- Optionally upload
cover art to display for this record. Note: Cover art will enhance the OPAC presentation and you may to make your own if it is not reading available (your school IT support can help with this).
- save the record.
- open the links tab.
- add a resource.
- Provide details for:
- Site - which digital site or library will this resource be stored in.
- Status:
- Online - the resource is available.
- Offline - the resource is unavailable.
- Budget Dept - budget used to purchase this resource if applicable.
- Section - Digital - is displayed for your convenience.
- check if you want Infiniti to remember these editable attributes for the next digital resource you curate.
- check to record Invoice Number and check Supplier, Cost, Replacement Cost, Local Call Number an invoice number. Note: If you check the invoice number box you must record an invoice number.
- To curate the digital resource: Show me an image of the links screen for digital resources...
- Link - paste the URL for the resource, or
- Upload Digital Resource - if you have a suitable digital file upload it. Note: Good practice is to use digital files that do not exceed 20Mb in size. 32mb is the limit of files uploaded. Larger files should be stored elsewhere in the school network with web access. Directory or URL links can be set on the catalogue record to the relevant stored file.
- Link Label - type your preferred prompt students will see for this Media Type in their search results. The default link label for this media type setting can be found in Config > Library > Media Type > Edit.
Note: This prompt displays when the student hovers over the digital resource in OPAC and is only available for digital resources like; eBooks, eAudiobooks, video, and podcasts. Helpful prompts might be Read now, Listen now, Watch now. - if you change an existing Link Label prompt, save the change, and update all existing label prompts for this Media Type.
- The default link label for this media type setting can be found in Config > Library > Media Type > Edit.
- check Play media inline to ensure this media will play inline at OPAC if possible. Note: If inline play is not possible a new tab will open at OPAC.
- check if Copyright if applicable. Note: Checking copyright forces a patron at OPAC to acknowledge copyright prior to opening the resource.
- To add another resource repeat Steps 6 to 10 above.
- reorder a list of links.
Note: Often the values set for Site, Status, and Budget Dept are the same for each batch of digital records catalogued. Check Remember for Me if you would like to use the values displayed for the current record on future records. You can instruct Infiniti to remember your settings as required.
Tip: Catalogue batches of records with similar values or attributes and check Remember for Me when you swap between batches.
- Search for the digital resource using ISBN if it is an eBook or title for other resources.
- click to retrieve the resource to the cataloguing work bench.
- Edit the Bibliographic Record and Links as required.
Note: This method only works if you are importing eBook records from SCIS.
- Scan the ISBN to commence the process Click on the SCIS or other links to match this ISBN or title in the Z3950 search.
- The record appears on the screen if found.
- Click the catalogue icon (on the right hand side of the screen).
- A pop box appears with a choice 'import and update' or 'import and ignore'.
- Click 'import and update' and the record will open up on the screen.
- Checks and edit as required.
- refer to step 6 of Catalogue or Curate a Digital Resource Manually above.
Note: Further links may be added to this bibliographic record by repeating from step 6 of Catalogue or Curate a Digital Resource Manually above.