Copy cataloguing enables an existing Bibliographic record to be copied in entirety to create an identical record which can then be edited, changed and re-saved. Holdings can then be added to the new record. This is useful when adding non-library resources or similar items which cannot be sourced from normal sources.
- Example: Copy the Bib record for ISBN 9781741353921 (downloaded from SCIS) in 'Sound Waves. Foundation decodable reader' Series as SCIS does not hold all ISBNs in this Series and this enables copy and edit to a different title/ISBN in the series
- Catalogue > search by ISBN or Title
- click on the copy icon shown
3. Edit the copied record and add copies to this new Bibliographic record. Note: the specific message in the green banner advising this is the copy of the original record. The original Bib record is untouched.