This report allows to to locate bibliographic records to review and edit.
Go to: Reports > Cataloguing > Backward Glance
- Choose the media type to search for. Note: If you don't nominate media type then all media type will be included.
- Choose a Catalogued after date or use the earliest date of the first catalogued bibliographic record. Note: This will not include resources catalogued on this date.
- Choose a Catalogued before date or use the today's date. Note: This will not include resources catalogued on this date.
- Optionally Show filters:
- Show All Bibliographic Records - all bibliographic resources in your catalogue.
- Show Bibliographic Records With Resources - bibliographic resources in your catalogue that have attached copies or links.
- Show Bibliographic Records With No Resources - bibliographic resources in your catalogue that do not have attached copies or links.
- Show Bibliographic Records With Only Removed Resources - bibliographic resources in your catalogue that had attached copies or links but these have been removed.
- inspect this record and its copies or links.
- export the listed records: Note: If the number of records listed exceeds 1,000 the export will be run as a Scheduled Task.
- CSV format.
- MARC21 format.
- to view an interactive list of items catalogued from a specified date in the dropdown calendar. This can be shown by Media Type of as a full list. eg.
Note: Catalogue records can be opened from this list to facilitate the addition of a copy or general editing.