You may wish to raise your own orders and use your own Order numbers as well as Invoice numbers.  The instructions below outline the steps required to create, send, receive and view orders after completion.

If you would like to catalogue items with Supplier and Invoice number without raising your own orders, you may wish to just create Closed orders as per our solution here.

Create new order:

  1. Go to: Acquisitions > Orders > New Order > choose Supplier
  2. Optionally add own Order number and tick the box to save the order number (this order number then stays with the order, but the Infiniti generated order is also visible as well)
  3. Search your catalogue (using the ISBN or Title boxes on screen) for the first item to add to this order
  4. if found in your catalogue a screen will appear with the title or choice of titles; if not found the screen displays the Z3950 sources available - click a source to bring back the required title/s and go to Step 6.
  5. If the ISBN/title is not found in your catalogue or any of your Z3950 sources, use this link to create a skeleton record for your order, then continue with Step 6.
  6. Choose the correct title, enter the number of copies to order if greater than '1'
  7. Click the + sign to add this title to the order
  8. Add the unit price and optional replacement cost
  9. Repeat steps 2 to 6 for each item to be added to this order
  10. Click on Place Order button
  11. Order is emailed to Supplier only if :
    1. email address is recorded for Supplier in Infiniti and supplier information filled in and saved.
    2. School address is entered in the Settings screen under the Core Settings cog 
  12. You could insert your school Admin/accounts email in the supplier if you wish Accounts to receive a copy of the order

Receive order:

  1. If you are still in the Order screen after clicking Place order button, the screen will now show the  'Receive goods button
  2. Go to step 5.
  3. If you are not already in Orders, go to Acquisitions > Placed orders > Supplier > click on the cart icon for the Order number/Supplier/date you wish to Receive
  4. Screen appears with selected Order
  5. Click on the  'Receive goods' button to start delivering items or Cancel order 
  6. A pop-up screen appears with all items on order listed - you only need to receive the items which have arrived; those on back order can be ignored for now
  7. On receiving the first item:
    1. enter the Invoice number
    2. choose number of items received for first item(can only receive up to the quantity ordered; can receive only the number arrived and receive other copies at a later date)
    3. receive all other item copies available
    4. Save changes
  8. If ALL items were received, screen now shows Status Invoiced
    1. Click on first title to go to the Bib record and edit the dummy copy which has been created by the order
    2. Fill in all the copy information and barcode/s
    3. Repeat for all received items on the order
  9. If only some items were received, screen now shows 'Partially Received' and the 'Receive goods' button is still present for further receiving
    1. Click on first title to go to the Bib record and edit the dummy copy which has been created by the order
    2. Fill in all the copy information and barcode/s
    3. Repeat for all received items on the order

Receive Backorders:

  1. Go to Acquisitions > Placed orders > Supplier > click on the cart icon for the Order number/Supplier/date you wish to Receive further items
  2. Repeat Step 7 from above - note that a new invoice number can be entered or the previously used invoice number can be pulled up.

View Orders and Order history:

        Click here for solution.