Invoice numbers entered in copy records are not visible in the copy records in Infiniti after the copy record has been saved.  Viewing of Orders and/or Invoices assigned or entered in Infiniti resource records is accomplished through the Acquisitions menu.

  • Viewing Open orders  - these are not yet invoiced and are viewed in:
    1. Acquisitions 
    2. Open orders
    3. Click on the cart for the open order

  • Viewing Placed orders - these are not yet invoiced until Received:

    1. Acquisitions
    2. Click on the Placed orders tab
    3. Click on the cart beside the order

  • Viewing Completed Orders in Order history - these may have Invoice numbers if entered :

Step 1:    Use the Acquisitions menu tab 

  1. Click on the Order History tab
  2. Select the Supplier - all invoiced orders will appear in a list
  3. Select the required order by clicking on the cart icon

Step 2:

  • View Invoices raised by this Supplier and the attached catalogued resources after clicking on the cart in 3. above

  1. The Invoice number displays
  2. Separate Invoice dates and Order numbers display for different resources and can be clicked on to go to that record
  3. Click on highlighted Title of the resource to go to the resource record