Acquisitions is the process of acquiring or purchasing new books and other non-book items for your library. Library Managed acquisitions follow a workflow process largely managed and controlled by the library team through Infiniti.


If you intend to align expenditure with budgets then prior to creating orders you should:

  1. Check your cost centres have been created.
  2. Check your budgets have been create and assigned for the current budget period.
  3. Ensure your suppliers are recorded.

Go to: Acquisitions

Active orders will display. You can filter active orders by:

  • Supplier
  • Coordinator
  • Status

Click the Order Number to open the order. 

Order Workflow Status

- orders follow a workflow from the time they are created until the time they are completed or abandoned. Once completed, the information captured and recorded along the workflow for each order is stored for future reference; unless the order is deleted or the catalogue records are purged.  Note: Library Managed orders may do not follow all workflow processes.

Workflow statuses are:

  1. Open - newly created order is the step where items are collated for ordering; some information recorded in this step can be altered later, some cannot. Orders can be re-opened provided no items have been received from the supplier; a new order should be collated at that stage.
  2. Placed - an Open order has been placed either directly or indirectly.
  3. Receiving - a Placed order awaiting fulfilment or delivery.
  4. Received - a Receiving order has been received/delivered.
  5. Completed - a Received order has been finalised.
  6. Cancelled - a Placed order has been cancelled.
  7. Retrospective - an order that does not have an Open-Placed-Receiving workflow as the activity occurred outside Infiniti in the past. A retrospective order remains in this state until all information the librarian cares to supply has been entered; the order can then be completed to move the retrospective order out of the Active orders area.

Create A New Library Managed Order

  1. - click to create a new order:
    1. Order Number - in the case of a Library Managed order, Infiniti will automatically assign an order number. This order number will begin with an “INF-” prefix in case both Infiniti and School Procurement Managed orders are used.
    2. Order Type - Library Managed - an order managed mostly through Infiniti.
    3. Budget - choose a default budget that resources acquired on this order are aligned to. Resources of an order can also be assigned other, differing, budgets when received by the library. Budgets are optional.
    4. Supplier - choose the supplier.
    5. Coordinator - choose the coordinator. Note: Coordinator can be added later. A coordinator helps other librarians know who to ask about an order or any parcels that may arrive for that order.
  2. .
  3. The new order will display in a separate tab.

Review Active Library Managed Orders

Immediately a new order is created a blank template is displayed and active:

  1. - displays all active orders in order number order, starting with the most recent order at the top. An active order is one which is currently in the Order Workflow as Open, Place, Receiving, or Received, or Retrospective.
  2. Delivery Address - record the delivery address for this order if it is different from the delivery address on the email template. Note: This option can only be accessed after pressing More...
    1. Click More... 
    2. Change Delivery Address
    3. .

For each active Library managed order you can:

  1. Add Line Items.
  2. Record or review Invoice details.
  3. Review Received items.
  4. Add Notes:
    1. Record general notes about an order.
    2. Block and order from completion.

Place Orders

When you have an order that is ready to send, locate the order:

  1. - check to email this order.
  2. - check if product codes are available and need to be recorded for line item. A product code is supplier-specific (non-ISBN) code used by the supplier to identify the product amongst their stock, e.g., Scholastic book club number.
  3. .
  4. - after confirmation order has been placed. Workflow steps followed:
    1. Order will moved into theworkflow phase, and
    2. Order will be marked as . Note Advice for a placed order.
  5. If tracking purchases on a budget, the value of the order will be recorded in the PLACED column of the budget.
  6. - open aorder. Order will show as,displays last email date email. Note Advice for an open order. Note: If applicable, details of the email order sent date will be displayed. A librarian may opt to not send the email again if the revisions in the re-opened order were discussed with the supplier through other means (phone call, email chain, etc).
  7. Supplier Reference - ecord supplier’s reference for this order if provided, available, and required. Whether this is the same as a delivery tracking number may differ by supplier and by library practices.

Receive Goods

After goods are delivered they have to be moved into the receiving workflow phase:

  1. - to start the receiving workflow process.
  2. :
    1. - record invoice details if supplied and required. Note: Invoice details must be recorded prior to cataloguing each new delivery to ensure the invoice details will be available for each copy. See Step 6 below.
    2. Invoice Number - record invoice number.
    3. Invoice Date - record date on invoice.
    4. Supplier - record supplier.
    5. Delivery Cost - record delivery cost if applicable.
    6. Tax - record tax if applicable.
    7. Total Cost - record total cost.
    8. Notes - record any notes if required.
    9. .
  3. Note Advice for aorder.
  4. Adjust individual line item cost details if required. When goods are received, their “cost” value will be assigned from the line cost value, although this can be revised for a resource later.
  5. - update received item/s with this cost
  6. Record unique identifying details for each item received:
    1. - click this button if received item was pre-catalogued, i.e., item details were recorded against the bibliographic record and set to On Order status prior to receiving the item. Note: If this button is clicked and no matching pre-catalogued item can be found, or clickif received item is to be post-catalogued, i.e., item details can be recorded for each item that received:
      1. Adjust record invoice details if required. Note: Invoice number must have been recorded at Step 2 above.
      2. Scan or generate barcode/s for each copy received.
  7. - click to indicate all items that will be received have been received. Note: If some items on the order have not been received and this button is not clicked, the order can remain instatus as an active order awaiting fulfilment in the event further items will be received. If a librarian expects the remaining items will never be received, they can click “Received All Goods” and Infiniti will indicate which were not received - if you want to follow up with a supplier later.
  8. - click to receive additional items for an uncompleted delivery; after having previously clicked.

Cancel Orders

Orders can be cancelled until an invoice has been added to an order or the first item is received, at which point an order is already partially fulfilled and should only progress towards Completed (partial or full):

  1. - click to cancel an order. Order will show as.
  2. - delete all record of the order. Note: This will delete all components of the order.

Complete Order

Once an order has received any item, the order will eventually progress to  - with how many items the supplier opted to send (which may or may not be all items initially requested). This moves the order out of the Active area into the Historical area for future purposes..

  1. - display all active orders in order number order.
  2.  - open received orders.
  3. - revise and update cost details if required. Note: This updates copies already catalogued.
  4. - complete order.
  5. -
  6. remove unreceived items.This is an optional action if the librarian would prefer the complete order to only reflect what the supplier sent rather than what the library asked for.
  7. - complete order. Note: Order will now leave the workflow and become an historical order and audit trail will be maintained.
  8. - delete order. Note Advice for a order. Note: Order will be deleted, all associated details will not be deleted and the historical order and audit trail will be lost.