Currently Infiniti does not have an automatic option to allow  a non Z3950 or already existing Title or ISBN to be added to an order in Acquisitions.

This can be overcome in several ways:

A.  Importing a Z3950 record on a second tab and then adding it to your order. 


The easiest way to do this is:

  • Keep the order open on one browser tab
  • Right click on Cataloguing menu and choose 'Open on a new tab':
    • scan or enter the ISBN or title if no ISBN > click Search
    • click on SCIS Z3950 (or other source) entry
    • when record appears on screen, click on download button
    • bib record opens on screen

  • return to Orders tab
    • search by the newly added ISBN or Title
    • add the number of copies from the search screen that appears as below

BCreating a skeleton record if no Z3950 record is available (Title, Main entry is all that is required) using the cataloguing templates provided and then adding it to your order. 


The easiest way to do this is:

  • Keep the order open on one browser tab
  • Right click on Cataloguing menu and choose 'Open on a new tab'

  1. choose the appropriate catalogue template on this new tab eg. Book
  2. enter ISBN if available - if added a cover may appear when saved 
  3. enter Title  (main entry will self-populate if no author added)
  4. Save record  eg.

  • return to order tab
  1. search by the newly added ISBN or Title
  2. add the number of copies from the search screen that appears as below
  3. click on the + to add to the order  eg.

  • continue with order  eg.