It is possible to transfer all or some loans from one teacher to another in a single bulk transaction. This is particularly helpful if a teacher has borrowed a large number of items for use in their classroom and you want to transfer all these loans to another teacher.
Transfer Loans In Bulk
Go to: Circulation > Bulk Process > Loan Transfer
Transfer From Member - select the name of the teacher who currently has the loans.
To Staff Member - select the name of the teacher who will receive the loans.
For Sites - if required, filter loaned resources based on one or more Sites where they would normally be housed.
For Sections - if required, filter resources based on one or more Sections where they would normally be housed.
For Media Types - if required, filter resources based on their Media Type.
Include Lost Loans - check to include an items marked as lost.
New Due Date - select the due date for return of these loans.
when ready.