Self renewal of loans is a privilege the library manager can assign to academic or library groups. Patrons logged into their profile page inherit the privilege via their membership to either of these groups. If you wish to be more selective you can choose to create a special group of patrons who will be assigned this privilege. Circulation rules remain in place for patrons with loan renewal privilege, so if a patron with this privilege has breached a rule then the privilege will be temporarily suspended.
Go to: Configure > Settings > Circulation
- Patrons with Overdues:
- Can Borrow - no alert raised at circulation for any borrower
- Cannot Borrow - alert raised at circulation for all with overdues ; item will have to returned or renewed to allow a loan
- Cannot Borrow Unless A Staff Member - alert raised at circulation for Academic borrowers only with overdues; item will have to returned or renewed to allow a loan
- Fine limit - maximum limit before user will be blocked from further loans. Note: Schools not wanting to use fines but wanting to implement a penalty system can substitute $ amounts as demerit points. Note: this limit does not prevent fines from increasing beyond this limit.
- Allow Self Renewals - switch
to allow users to renew their own loans provided there are no exceptions, e.g., over the limit or the item is overdue. Note: This switch applies to the patron's right to renew a loan when logged into their profile page.
- Who can self renew - Select Academic Levels and/or Library Groups who may Self Renew.
- Resumable Returns Dialog - select
to retain the 10 most recently returned loans for up to 90 minutes.
- Quarantine Returns - select
to inject a quarantine step into the circulation workflow:
- Nights - the number of nights for quarantine. Note: This number can range from 1 - 28.
- SIP2 Returns - where a Self check Kiosk is in use, choose from those Sites displayed in the list. Note: This is only required where more than one Site may be used for SIP2 returns. The main returns Site should be set as the Default.
- SIP2 Stocktaking - select "On SIP2 item lookup' if you have an FE Live SIP2 stocktaking wand.
- Enter the number of Live scanning wands in the box eg. 1 Note: SIP2 stocktaking devices will use custom accounts
- Note: Live wand/s must have a separate SIP2 account setup by Concord to allow use of the wand/s
- Patron Barcodes On Loan Receipts - select
to print patron barcodes on loan receipts. Note: Only applies if you print loan receipts.
- Last Due Date - will be calculated by subtracting the number of days before leaving from the enabled until date for any patron with this date set in their personal profile. It overrides the normal loan due date calculations and sets the due date for any loans taken by a patron to their enabled until date less the number of days set here. Note: The number of days recorded here will be subtracted from the patron's enabled until date to calculate the due date for any loans taken by the patron if they are requesting a loan that would ordinarily be due after their until date has passed.
- Audio Events for alerts -
as required:
- Assign Audio Tones as required - choose tone 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
- Set Volume level for each tone. Note: Test at the location where the tone will sound.
- Strict Stocktake - select
to ignore books returned during a stocktake.
- Common Due Date Override Date Rules - select
to ensure the common due date always takes precedence over Circulation rights and Holiday Calendar.
Note: If a patron has or would breach a circulation rule, e.g., reached their renewal limit, a reservation is on the item they wish to renew, the loan is past due or overdue, or other controls set in place by the library manager, then the patron will not be offered the option to renew a loan.