When an 'on loan' resource is determined to be 'Lost', you should mark it '' to reflect this status. Marking an item as 'Lost' maintains the connection to the borrower while also moving the loan to their Loan history and changing the status of the item to 'Lost'. Changing Status from 'On loan' to 'Lost' manually is not available as the integrity of the loan needs to be maintained.
The Lost items report is available in Reports > Circulation > Lost items
In Circulation
Scenario: A patron advises they have lost an item on loan
- Use the Circulation menu > enter patron ID or name
- Patron's loans display on screen
- Mark appropriate item Lost
- Item will be moved to Loan History tab and marked

- Search for patron/s to purge. Note: Only inactive patrons can be candidates for purge.
- A Note will display beside the name of patrons with outstanding loans.
- Click the {item/s} hyperlink to view outstanding loans.
- Save changes to mark all items as Lost and clear the patron's loan file.
Note: If the barcode of an item marked

Note: Infiniti currently provides payment mechanisms for Overdue Fines only.
Note: Bulk update can be used to update the Status of Missing or Lost to Removed status.
Lost items would normally have a borrower note added to the relevant borrower in circulation as well as a copy note placed on the Resource barcode record. this note can have 'display on return' ticked so that the message appears if the item is returned.
- Removed, Missing, Lost, Catalogue, statuses can be hidden from OPAC in Configure > Library > Statuses > Edit.
- Lost items can be reported on using Reports > Circulation > Lost items > choose date range > Show filters > choose groups > Search
- Note: Academic levels or Library groups MUST be chosen before clicking Search or no results will show.
- Items left marked as Lost can be marked Missing or Removed in the next stocktake.
- Lost items scanned from Shelf into a Stocktake will display as Lost in the Exceptions report and can be returned to status to 'On shelf' using the Reshelve button.