Infiniti supports the printing of patron or borrower barcode labels. You can print borrower labels using a variety of techniques, fonts, colours and layouts on standard metric and imperial size printer stationery. Print runs are prepared in the label management and printing queues and printed to PDF for preview before being printed onto your selected label stationery.

Note: The quality of your printed borrower labels is governed by the browser you use in conjunction with the printer used for printing your labels. You may have to adjust the settings of the default templates provided to achieve the print quality you expect. These adjustments must be made at your school with your browser and printer combination. Best results are achieved with the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge browsers and a quality printer.

Patron Label Options

  1. User barcodes.
  2. Custom User Labels.

Managing Your User Barcode Print Queue

The User Barcodes Print Queue is populated from form classes, by scanning single barcodes, or by pasting or downloading multiple barcodes from any library in your school. This print queue will be maintained until youfrom the queue. Before printing a set of spine labels you may wish to filter the set of labels displayed down to the set you want to print.

Print queue options:

  1. Clickto see draft and final print runs.
  2. Editselected patrons in each set. Note: This only changes values on the screen not in the record. Edited display records must be individually updated in the respective patron profiles.
  3. Check patron details.
  4.  items have been printed or viewed at least one time in PDF. Note: They may not have been printed to stationery.
  5. Delete labels from the set.

You can have one template for all labels or you can create multiple sets of templates for multiple sets of labels. Best practice is to experiment with different settings and print options to find the ideal combination for your label requirements. Note: Editing a patron label displayed on the queue will not edit the patron's stored record. This must be undertaken separately if you want to permanently change the edited patron record.

Filtering User Barcodes Print Queue

  1. Populate the print queue initially by barcode or form class. 
  2. - choose academic levels you want to print labels for. Note: You can choose multiple academic levels.
  3. - choose form classes you want to print labels for. Note: You can choose multiple form classes. 
  4. Clickwhen ready.
  5. Choose whether toafter printing is complete.

Locally Prepared Barcode Labels

You can prepare and pre-print sheets of patron barcode labels in advance. Pre-printed barcode labels can be used to replace faulty labels already in use or they can be allocated to new patrons as they arrive.

Prepare And Print Patron Barcode Labels Already Allocated

  1. Select User Labels: Barcode from the Print mode dropdown list.
  2. Select the {template} to use for the set of barcode labels you wish to print from the Label Template dropdown list. Note: A barcode template should have already been created in the Templates tab for patron barcodes. Clickto view the chosen template format, or edit font and print layout options. 
  3. Locate the row number and column number location of the first blank label on the label sheet that you intend to start printing on.  Note: You can print to plain stationery to create a barcode list of students for use at the circulation counter.
  4. Record these numbers in the Start at row and Column fields to ensure your labels begin printing onto the first available blank label on your first label sheet.
  5. Set Print Patron Name(optional) to print the user's name on their barcode if the barcode is already recorded in the patron record in Infiniti.
  6. Set Thumbnails(optional) to generate thumbnail patron images beside each barcode. Note: Attaching patron thumbnails will significantly increase label generation time. Labels must be at least 1cm high; twice as wide as tall; and with patron images less than 5MB each.
  7. Choose the source of the labels from the dropdown list Populate From:
    1. Single Barcode - to print a small number of random labels.
    2. Set of Barcodes - to print a large number of labels using a prepared set of barcodes.
    3. Form Class - to print labels for a Form class (Students must be in a Form class for this option). Note: You can filter selected patrons from the list.
  8. If you:
    1. chose Single Barcode, scan one or more barcodes into Barcode field to populate the print queueNote: The print queue displays in reverse numeric order to the way it was created, i.e., the last item added will be at the top of the queue and its number will indicate the total number of items in the queue. If you delete from the queue it will automatically renumber.
    2. chose Set of Barcodes, dump multiple barcodes into Barcodes field (use a portable barcode reader or cut and paste from a spreadsheet) andto add the set to the print queue. 
    3. chose Form Class, click the Form Class dropdown to select one or more form classes to add to the print queue.
  9. Choose the patron Load Order preference from the dropdown list of optionsclickto add the members of the form class to the print queue. Note: The load order assists you to locate patrons in the print queue and/or on the printed label pages.
  10. Repeat Steps 7 and 8 as required.  
  11. Click to edit a barcode or a name, and clickto save the change. Note: This only changes values on the label, not in the patron record.
  12. To review the printed labels in PDF, click.  
  13. When you are satisfied with the labels printed in PDF, print the PDF to your printer. Note: Uncheck Fit to Page if checked.
  14. If you are dissatisfied with some or all labels printed to PDF you may take any or all of the the following steps independently or individually in any order:  
    1. Switch Diagnostic Modeand repeat from Step 12 above. Barcodes that can't be printed within the label boundaries will be colour coded (red = cannot fitgreen = shrunk to fit) and you can scroll to the end of the printed PDF and review the diagnostic report for each of these labels.
    2. Switch Shrink to Fitand repeat from Step 12 above.  
    3. Return to Step 2 above and select a different template for printing.
    4. Experiment with different template settings to find the combination that best suits your requirements.

Prepare And Print Pages Of Labels For Future Use
  1. Use Microsoft Excel to create a number of sequential barcode numbers. You can choose to create barcodes using numbers only or you can choose to prefix numbers with alphabetic letters, e.g., ABC or PLCC. Note: To avoid printing sheets of labels that will be unusable, ensure the numbers you create have not already been assigned to catalogue resources or other patrons.
  2. Export the barcode numbers to a CVS file.
  3. Copy the numbers from the CSV file and choose Set of Barcodes from the appropriate instructions above.

Tip: Your school IT support services will assist you to create this CSV file and to retain it for the next time you need to pre-print a set of barcode labels.

Go to: Cataloguing > Label Printing > Templates

Manage Templates

  1. Click Templates tab to list available spine label, barcode label, and custom label templates. Note: Your default spine label template is displayed in italic font.
  2. Custom Fields display:
    1. Resource for custom resource labels.
    2. User for custom user labels.
    3. Nothing for spine labels.
  3. Clickto edit a templates parameters, print layout, and font qualities.
  4. Clickto make a copy or clone of a template and edit the copy's parameters and font qualities as required.
  5. Click to start a new template. Template parameters are provided by your label supplier. 
  6. If you have multiple templates you may choose to set Default  for a specific template to ensure it is automatically displayed and ready each time you print a set of labels. Note: You can choose other templates from the dropdown list on the Printing tab.
  7. Clickto save any changes made.
  8. Test the template and modify as required.

Go to: Cataloguing > Label Printing > Fonts

Manage Label Fonts

A collection of free fonts that closely match commercial fonts is provided in a font library and accessed via the Fonts tab. Some fonts are available for non-Roman languages. You may upload additional fonts as required. Note: Copyright restrictions legally prevent Infiniti Support from uploading fonts on your behalf or offering advice on using specific fonts. Please consult your school IT support services for assistance.