Physical items in your library collection can be reserved for patrons. Reservations can be placed by circulation desk staff on behalf of patrons and, where permitted, patrons can place reservations when logged in as themselves.

Reservation Settings

Before reservations can be made, you must determine if and how you will allow reservations for different parts of your collection. In schools with multiple libraries, e.g., Junior, Middle, and Senior, and in multi campus schools, e.g., Junior Campus, Middle Campus, and Senior Campus, you must also determine if reservations can be made across libraries and/or campuses.

Settings for reservations:

Bibliographic Records Impact Reservations

The way your collection is catalogued can impact how reservations will be processed, especially if your library catalogue contains multiple editions of the same title. Multiple copies of a title can be in your catalogue for several reasons:

  1. Intended - your collection may genuinely contain multiple Bibliographic records holding copies of the same title, e.g. Diary of a Wimpy KidEconomic Theory, where the bibliographic records represent e.g. different editions with different ISBNs, covers, but the content of all the editions is substantially the same or similar from a patron's perspective.
  2. Unintended - cataloguing variations have resulted in identical titles with identical bibliographic records being catalogued independently under multiple bibliographic records, i.e., a bibliographic record was created for each individual copy, rather than a single bibliographic record shared by all identical copies copies. Note: These cataloguing variations can be reduced by merging bibliographic records.

Configure Reservations For Alternatives

Often a patron placing a reservation would like any edition of a title that becomes available. To offer patrons the quickest service possible when processing reservations, you can choose to configure Infiniti to process reservations by enabling Reserve With Alternatives when configuring library reservations. When configured this way, a reservation can be placed on either one or all similar versions of the title, or just a particular version of a title. 

When configured this way the reservation system will automatically check for multiple versions of a title based on:

  • either main title+author similarity, or
  • identical ISBN,

and offer the person placing the reservation the option to reserve either all similar titles, or a specific title only.

Who Can Place Or Make Reservations

  1. Library managers - when reservations are generally allowed
  2. Staff and Students - when reservations are generally allowed and a student's academic level or Staff Library Group has been given access to make reservations

Placing Reservations With Alternatives Configured - Circulation Desk

The circulation desk operator with Librarian privileges can place reservations on behalf of patrons. This method will result in reservations being placed on each title selected, including possible similar titles as selected: 

  1. Search your catalogue to locate a title to reserve.
  2. Depending on your results display layout:
    1. List display- to reserve.
    2. Grid display- click.
  3. each title to reserve. Note: Choose a specific title by checking just one alternative.
  4. Complete Reserved For by locating borrower/s requesting the reservation.  Note: Reservation s are automatically recorded in strict time stamp for selected borrower/s order using today's date (see Queue Jumping below).  
  5. Choose the appropriate Pickup From campus if applicable. Note: By default, students pickup their reservations at the home campus.
  6. Uncheckto remove any unwanted reservations.
  7. Ignore Reservation Limitif required.
  8. .

Placing Reservations With Alternatives Not Configured - Circulation Desk

The circulation desk operator can place reservations on behalf of patrons. This method will result in a reservation being placed on identical titles only based on ISBN, excluding possible similarity of title+author versions if they exist:

  1. Search your catalogue to locate a title to reserve.
  2. Depending on your results display layout:
    1. List display- to reserve.
    2. Grid display- click.
  3. Complete Reserved For by locating borrower/s requesting the reservation. Note: Reservations are automatically recorded in strict time stamp for selected borrower/s order using today's date (see Queue Jumping below). 
  4. Choose the appropriate Pickup From campus if applicable. Note: By default students pickup their reservations at the home campus.
  5. Ignore Reservation Limitif required.
  6. .

Placing Reservations With Alternatives Configured - Patron 

Patrons can place their own reservations:

  1. Patron searches your catalogue to locate a title.
  2. For search results displaying:
    1. List display- to reserve.
    2. Grid display- click.
  3. each title to reserve.
  4. Uncheckto remove any unwanted reservations.
  5. . Note: Reservations are recorded in strict time stamp order using today's date (see Queue Jumping below). 

Placing Reservations With Alternatives Not Configured - Patron 

Patrons can place their own reservations:

  1. Patron searches your catalogue to locate a title.
  2. For search results displaying:
    1. List display- to reserve.
    2. Grid display- click.
  3. Reservation is automatically recorded for the patron. Note: Reservations are recorded in strict time stamp order using today's date (see Queue Jumping below).  
  4. orto cancel the reservation based on display.

Queue Jumping

Queue jumping is the process of promoting a patron on the reservation queue so they will receive their reservation earlier than other on the queue. Reservations are created and processed in strict time stamp order but you can alter this order by altering the date the "reservation was made".

Queue Jump Using Reservation Reports

Go to: Reports > Circulation > Reservations

  1. Locate the title you wish to escalate.
  2. Locate the reservation you want to promote and note which dates in the queue. Note: To promote a reservation you must set a reservation date earlier than one or more dates listed in the queue. 
  3. the borrower to escalate.
  4. Reset Reserved On by selecting a date that is earlier than earlier the currently displayed date. Note: Dates earlier than today can be selected and the earlier the date selected the higher up the queue the reservation will be placed. 
  5. .

Short Video On Reservations