You may wish to setup Daily fines for particular Sections of Resources for certain Academic levels and/or Library Groups. You may also wish to Configure a maximum Fine limit which when reached, will then block loans to that borrower.


  1.  In Configure > Settings > General > set Fine limit to the maximum limit after which the user will be blocked from borrowing.  eg $10.00
  2.  In Configure > Access control > Circulation Rights > Edit the Circulation Rights which will carry a daily fine and Grace days (number of days before the fine starts accruing).  You may have to change Circulation Rights or setup new ones if only a particular Section/Group is to accrue fines.
  3. Fines will appear on the fines tab for a borrower in the Circulation screen; fines can be paid and waivered from this tab
  4. You may also report and pay/waiver fines for a borrower in Reports > Circulation > Fines/Payments
  5. Patrons with fines and the amount can be listed using Reports > Users > Summary > choose year level/s, groups > Search