Label templates allows you to create, copy, and edit label templates for users and resources.

Manage Label Templates

Go to: Cataloguing > Label Printing > Templates

  1. Click Templates tab to list available barcode label templates.
  2. Clickto edit a templates parameters, print layout, and font qualities.
  3. Clickto make a copy or clone of a template and edit the copy's parameters and font qualities as required.
  4. To add Custom fields, click on the button 'Show Custom Fields', then select fields you wish to include in the custom label with font sizes.
  5. Use the 'Return to Common fields' button to return to the main template screen and Save changes.
  6. Click to start a new template. Note: Template measurements should be provided by your label stationery supplier. It is easier to copy an existing template and edit to your new specifications than start from scratch.
  7. If you have multiple templates you may choose to set Default to for a specific template to ensure it is ready each time you print a set of labels. Note: You can choose other templates from the dropdown list on the Printing tab.
  8. Clickto save any changes made.
  9. Test the template and modify as required.

Go to: Cataloguing > Label Printing > Fonts

Manage Label Fonts

A collection of free fonts that closely match commercial fonts is provided in a font library and accessed via the Fonts tab. Some fonts are available for non-Roman languages. You may upload additional fonts as required. Note: Copyright restrictions legally prevent Infiniti Support from uploading fonts on your behalf or offering advice on using specific fonts. Please consult your school IT support services for assistance.