There are a number of statistical reports available with multiple filters:

  • 1. User Loan statistics by Groups with filters to collate loans by dates (loaned, due, returned), Sites, Sections, Media
  • 2. Resource loan statistics by Groups with filters to collate loans by dates (loaned, due, returned), Sites, Sections, Media
  • 3. Resources not borrowed with filters by Groups and/or Site, Section, Media
  • 4. Resources Returned by dates with filters by Groups and/or Site, Section, Media

Go to Reports > Circulation > Loan Statistics

Filters may be used to include or exclude:

  • ranges of loan dates
  • ranges of Catalogue dates (can specify just an End date for this range)
  • Call number ranges of resources (check the screen shots for the correct way to enter call numbers)
  • Year levels, Form classes and Library groups for users
  • Sites, Sections, Budget Departments
  • Media types
  • Statuses (eg. 'On shelf' when looking at Resources not borrowed)
All these filters can be used singly or in combination with multiple other filters.  Filters do not have to be used if all statistics are required.


 Screen shots are attached of the setup for some sample reports showing a variety of filters used.

1. Sample 'Loan statistics' between two dates:

2. Sample 'Resource loan statistics' between two dates:

3. Sample 'Resources not borrowed statistics' between two dates with Call number range:

4. Sample 'Resources not borrowed statistics' between two dates with Catalogue end date and Status specified:

This example shows how to exclude recently catalogued items  (with no loan history as yet) as well as only items with status 'On shelf' from the Not borrowed report.

5.  Sample 'Resources returned ' from a date, before a date, or between two dates :

Report on returned items from eg. today's date, between two dates, or before an end date.  This example lists all items returned from the date shown.  Unticking the Group by site/Section lists all items by barcode.  Leaving it ticked groups them by Site/section.