The library manager can choose to set default cataloguing barcode settings to streamline and automate some processes.
Note: The default cataloguing settings on this screen can be changed by anyone with Librarian privileges. These will be used when accessioning new copies or holdings. Best practice is to set these values to the most commonly catalogued values.
Go to: Configure > Settings > Barcodes
- Barcode New Resources allows you to set your preference for recording barcode numbers for books during cataloguing:
- Manual Scanned One At a Time - you will always scan barcode numbers. Note: This setting means you will scan each barcode individually from pre-printed barcode label stationery during the cataloguing process.
- Assigned From A Barcode Scheme - at the time of cataloguing you will allow the cataloguer to either scan barcode labels individually from pre-printed stationery or to automatically generate a sequence of barcode numbers based on intelligent detection of the Built-in Barcode Scheme and/or Custom Barcode Schemes defined. Note: This setting may be useful if you regularly cataloguing multiple copies of the same book/title. It allows the cataloguer to switch between manually scanning individual barcode numbers to and automatically generating a sequential set of barcode numbers generation on a case-by-case basis at cataloguing time, ensuring the most efficient method for recording barcodes can be used.
- Using Alice Compatible Barcode Sheets - use pre-printed Alice barcode label stationery. The cataloguer will be asked to scan the next barcode in the sequence. Note: Alice barcode label stationery is legacy stationery used by an increasingly small number of schools and is not recommended for schools that do not already have this legacy stationery. It is not possible to reverse an erroneous starting barcode location after the barcode generator has processed a set of barcodes.
- Built-in Barcode Scheme a simple increasing sequence of numbers only between 00000 and 999999999999999999. Note: This scheme is the default and can be used in conjunction with commercial stationery or locally printed stationery and cataloguers can choose to use this scheme in conjunction with Auto-Detect above.
- Custom Barcode Schemes allows you define one or more locally defined barcode label patterns for printing labels locally and/or for utilising Auto-Detect above:
- Custom Barcode Schemes - 1 to 4 alphabetic characters, e.g., ABC, WXYZ, prefix a simple sequence of numbers 5 to 16 digit numbers between 00000 and 9999999999999999. Note: Scheme/s can be defined as required and cataloguers can use a defined scheme in conjunction with Auto-Detect above.
- define a local barcode label scheme:
- Name - provide a scheme name for easy identification in cataloguing.
- Prefix - type a prefix of between 1 and 4 alphabetic characters, e.g., JL (Junior Library), SEN (Senior Library).
- Digits - the number of digits to be appended to the Prefix above. Hint: As a guide, 5 digits will allow for 99,999 barcode labels, 7 digits will allow for 9,999,999 barcode labels.
Note: Deletinga scheme or editing a schemes prefix or number pattern may disrupt your cataloguing and/or circulation system.
- Custom Barcode Schemes - 1 to 4 alphabetic characters, e.g., ABC, WXYZ, prefix a simple sequence of numbers 5 to 16 digit numbers between 00000 and 9999999999999999. Note: Scheme/s can be defined as required and cataloguers can use a defined scheme in conjunction with Auto-Detect above.
- Barcodes with Space Glyphs -
unless advised by Concord support.
- Legacy Barcodes (Destiny) -
unless advised by Concord support.
- Default Label Queuing -
to ensure new copies of books will be queued for label printing.
your changes.