Stocktake allows you to audit your library collection at a specific point in time. You can choose to audit your entire collection of resources, often called a full stocktake, or you can choose to audit a specific subsection of your collection, called a partial stocktake. If you have a small collection of resources and you can close your library for a period of days, then a full stocktake may work best for you.



Stocktake is a "snapshot at a certain point in timeand not a "snapshot over a period of time".


Sometimes called inventory, a stocktake is a periodic process of auditing your collection of physical resources at a point in time by collecting barcodes of the physical resources in your collection (over a few hours or a few days), and allowing the stocktake processing to compare what you have collected with the current status of those physical resources as recorded in your catalogue holdings.

Stocktake summary displays and reports highlight:

  • resources that are where they should be, i.e., they are accounted for either On Shelf, or, if part of a box of resources In Box. On loan are accounted for as being with a patron, and therefore cited.
  • resources that are not where they should be, i.e., are reported as Exceptions :
    • either belonging to a site/section combination you did not scan, i.e., they are mis-shelved,
    • or they have previously been marked, automatically or manually, as not on the shelf, i.e., their status might be On Loan, Missing, Lost, Removed.  These items should be on the shelf (because you have just scanned their barcode on a shelf at this point in time). These items should to be returned to the status On Shelf.

General Approach To Stocktake

If you have many sites and/or ma resources, and closing your library is not acceptable, then the recommendation is to run a number of smaller stocktake sessions of individual site/section combinations. Multiple stocktake sessions can be run simultaneously to meet the requirements of schools with diverse collections, e.g., Junior Library and Senior Library can be separate stocktake sessions run simultaneously. Completing one current stocktake will not affect another current stocktake. Multiple sections may be included within each current stocktake.

Always set the range of your current stocktake based on a section or sections which can be completed within a reasonable time frame. As each current stocktake is live and dynamic, conducting a stocktake over a period of time greater than one to two weeks, especially if normal library circulation is running simultaneously, may be ineffective and unreliable. If time is a premium, it may be more effective to run a number of smaller stocktake sessions for specific site/section combinations and complete each one before starting the next area.

Conducting A Stocktake

A full stocktake of your entire collection may take many days to complete so you should close your library and circulation facilities for optimum results. A partial stocktake of specific, small sub-sections of your collection, e.g., fiction or non-fiction in the Senior Library, may be completed in as little as a few hours and can often be done without closing your library. You can determine the best stocktake option and barcode collection method for your needs based on your collection size and available time.

Create A New Stocktake

Regardless of the method for collecting barcodes you must create a new stocktake before you can allocate barcodes:

  1. Go to: Stocktake > Stocktake
  2. .
  3. The new stocktake will be named with {today's date as date created} : site(s) included, (username of creator, description). Note: Each completed stocktake is optionally archived indefinitely so a concise description can be very helpful when sorting through historical stocktake sessions. Best practice is to describe your stocktake in such a way that it can be easily identified in the future as a past stocktake to help you determine which sites/sections of your collection have or have not been checked. The creation date and username of the operator who creates each stocktake is automatically recorded.
  4. Note: If a Live Wand/s has been setup with a SIP2 connection and details added to Configure > circulation, then the Stocktake screen will now show an extra box at top right with the dropdown allowing either 1. Not using a Live wand, or 2. Live scanning Wand 1 (number may vary if more than one Live wand is configured.)  The relevant choice should be made before starting the new Stocktake.

Note: Multiple current stocktake sessions can be defined so the operator inputting barcodes must always choose which current stocktake will be the active stocktake for each upload of barcodes.

Barcode Collection and Allocation Methods

  1. - the operator adjusts settings for each scanning session and then scans barcodes one-by-one while walking along shelves using a laptop computer with an attached scanner. Infiniti will assign each scanned barcode, call number, and section, e.g., fiction, non-fiction (including possibly ignoring mis-shelved barcodes) into the active stocktake, based on the settings. Note: Call number and section are dynamically retrieved and displayed for each record as it is scanned.
  2. - the operator collects barcodes using a method that will allow the creation of a CSV file for import into the active stocktake. Infiniti will assign each imported barcode, call number, and section, e.g., fiction, non-fiction (including possibly ignoring mis-shelved barcodes) to the active stocktake, based on the settings. Note: If barcodes from a site/s not included in the active stocktake is imported then a site/section combination will be automatically created during import and will not be reflected in the active stocktake name. Note: Call number and section are dynamically retrieved and displayed for each record as it is imported. Note: This mode is best suited (but not necessarily limited) to a normal RFID wand  and sectional barcode segmentation.
  3. - the operator either scans barcodes one-by-one directly on a laptop computer into the selected section for the active stocktake or uses a portable barcode reader to collect barcodes for bulk upload into the selected section for the active stocktake. Note: The operator must manually define each section and call number range for the active stocktake, select the correct section at time of input, or choose to collect barcodes for the entire section.

Each of these barcode collection methods can be used independently or a hybrid mix of these methods can be used to conduct a stocktake. Regardless of the collection method used, a report will be prepared dynamically showing the up-to-date state of the active stocktake section-by-section.

Active Stocktake Session

The active stocktake session is displayed immediately above the dynamic progress results display. Regardless of the barcode collection method used barcodes are always assigned, either automatically or manually, to the active stocktake at time of input.

Quick Scan Method

  1. .
  2. - Auto-Select Section - automatically assigns the barcode to its correct declared stocktake section by checking the catalogued record. Note: Scanned items from non-declared stocktake sections will be logged on screen.
  3. - Auto-Create Section - automatically creates a section for the stocktake and assigns the barcode to this section. Note: Misshelved items cannot not be readily detected.
  4. - Audio Alerts - for confirmation beep after successful scan.
  5. Optionally Select Stocktake Section from the list. Note: Choosing this option requires you to intervene correctly in the automatic processes.
  6. See Interpreting Stocktake below.

Auto Import Method

Note: This mode is best suited (but not necessarily limited) to live wand scanning and sectional barcode segmentation (usually associated with live wand scanning).

  1. .
  2. Prepare a CSV file.
  3. Choose import mode:
    1. Auto-Create Mode - applicable for all libraries.
    2. Shelving Mode -applicable for libraries that have organised and barcoded their shelves into specific sub-collections.  NoteIf a library assigns barcodes to physical shelves (or locations), these shelving barcodes can be scanned by staff to auto-select which stocktake section each resource scan is assigned to, without clearing the scanner's buffer between stocktake sections. 
      This means you could attach a barcode to an actual shelf to match the Shelving barcode for that section in the stocktake.  The stocktake section has to be setup with the matching shelf barcode recorded.  It is not suitable for the Quick scan feature.
      When scanning this section, the shelf barcode is scanned firstly followed by the resource barcodes for that shelf.  The next shelving barcode can be scanned followed by resources for that section and so on.  This is useful when scanning with a portable barcode reader or an RFID scanner that creates a CSV file.
      When the scanner or csv file is imported into the stocktake, the correct stocktake section is identified by the preceding shelving barcode and the following resource barcodes are imported into the correct pre-setup sections within the stocktake.

      To alleviate the same setup for the next stocktake, this stocktake can be copied when required to maintain the sections and shelving barcodes, but with no scanned items.  Use the copy icon to the right of the selected stocktake name. 
    3. Auto Import - Please upload a CSV file - choose file to upload.  Note: to import a CSV file of barcodes, use the import button after clicking on the . The barcode column must have a header text 'barcode' at the top of the barcode column or the CSV file will not import.
    4.   See Interpreting Stocktake below.

New Stocktake Method 
  1. - to create a new stocktake. Note: This will automatically become the active stocktake unless changed.
  2. The new stocktake will be identified with {today's date as date created} : site(s) included, (username of creator, description). Note: Each completed stocktake is logged indefinitely so a concise description can be very helpful when sorting through past stocktake sessions. Good practice is to describe your stocktake in such a way that it can be easily identified in the future as a past stocktake to help you determine which sites/sections of your collection have or have not been checked. The creation date and username of the operator who creates each stocktake is automatically recorded. 
  3. - to define the stocktake parameters or boundaries:
    1. Site - the part of your collection you are going to stocktake. Note: The (number) is the count of the number of barcodes in this site.
    2. Section - the subsection of your site you are going to stocktake. Note: The (number) is the count of the number of barcodes in this section within this site.
    3. - uncheck entire site/section to define the call number range for a partial stocktake. Note: If you have multiple sites you can choose to stocktake EACH site separately or ALL sites concurrently. The default setting is for a full stocktake of all sections AND all sites. To do a partial stocktake, define the call number range within a site/section combination.
    4. Enter collected barcodes from the defined site/section range. This may be done via portable barcode scanner, bluetooth, laptop on a trolley, or RFID device live wand or CSV files.  
    5. To import a CSV file of barcodes, use the import button after clicking on the . The barcode column must have a header text 'barcode' at the top of the barcode column or the CSV file will not import. Caution: Ensure you are entering barcodes into the correct stocktake.
    6. .
    7. A stocktake progress report will be prepared.
    8. See Interpreting Stocktake below.

Adjusting A Stocktake Range

Regardless of the barcode collection method being used, if you determine that the range set for an active stocktake was too broad or too narrow you can:

  1. - edit the range by increasing or decreasing the call number boundaries. Note: Changing any of the range settings will automatically recalculate statistics currently displayed.

New Range Method Flexibility

Using this method you must decide what range or part of your collection you will stocktake. Samples of ranges include:

  • library or site you will stocktake
  • section/s within that site you will stocktake
  • optional call number range within that section you will stocktake (Call number consists of two fields : Classification, e.g., F , JF,  004.001 and main entry, e.g., alpha letters representing author or title.   Examples:   F AAA - F AZZ  ;  004.001 AAA - 399.999 ZZZ. Note: The Local call number will be used in the stocktake range.

You must decide the range of the stocktake, e.g., the A to M call number range of the Junior Fiction section of your Main Library. These parameters are required before you run any partial stocktake reports. They can be set before you start collecting barcodes or after you finish collecting barcodes. These parameters can be modified as you run a summary stocktake progress report. Note: A full stocktake of a section does not require a defined range.

Note: The last current stocktake worked on will show as the active stocktake. You can choose to work on this stocktake, complete it, delete it, make another current stocktake active, or start a new stocktake. The reports for a stocktake that has been open for more than 14 days may not reflect the dynamic changes that result from ongoing lending and returns. Good practice is to complete a stocktake within a few days if circulation is active. A current stocktake that has not been active for more than two weeks should be Cancelled and a fresh one started.

General Stocktaking Steps

If stocktaking using barcode collection method 1 or 2 you will choose settings each time you select each respective method. If stocktaking using barcode collection method 3 consider:

  1. Determine the physical site(s) you intend to stocktake. Note: You can conduct multiple stocktake sessions simultaneously. 
  2. Determine the boundaries or range of your stocktake. Note: Start with a site/section which you can comfortably complete.
  3. Collect barcodes within the defined range. Note: If scanning directly into Infiniti on a laptop computer or similar device, barcodes should be saved periodically, e.g., every 30 minutes, to avoid timing out after the default timeout settings have closed an inactive session, resulting in the subsequent loss of all scanned barcodes. 
  4. Use of a portable barcode reader is ideal for stocktaking. Alternatively, you may collect barcodes with an RFID scanner and import the resulting CSV file into the respective stocktake section.  Note: The barcode column must have a header text 'barcode' at the top of the barcode column or the CSV file will not import.  
  5. Review reported results. Note: The stocktake display is dynamic with displays instantly indicating progress and therefore reported results will reflect the state of your collection at the time you generate the report.
  6. Best practice is to try to locate missing barcodes, i.e., items not scanned. 
  7. Check and correct mis-shelved resources. Note: This may not be possible if using methods 1 and 2.
  8. Returning loans are automatically scanned into the relevant Stocktake section (i.e. Site/Section/Call Number Range.
  9. Best practice is to complete each stocktake session or cancel unwanted stocktake sessions.
  10. Print reports from Stock Management as required (see below).

Note: Multiple stocktake sessions can be conducted in Infiniti at any one time. If you are managing multiple libraries then each can be done separately or simultaneously. Multiple staff members can participate in the stocktake, with each working on independent ranges within a stocktake or across stocktake sessions. Once a stocktake is completed it will be logged for future reference. The critical step is to activate the current stocktake you are working on prior to uploading barcodes.

Past Stocktake Sessions

A snapshot of each stocktake is taken after it has been completed which may assist with future management decisions, and includes :
  • date of the stocktake
  • number of items (barcodes) included in the stocktake
  • call number range included
  • number of missing items
  • replacement cost of missing items

Interpreting Your Stocktake Progress Report Left Panel
  1. The Site/Section, Call Number Range and Resources Scanned in the left summary panel confirm the range and number of resources currently scanned.
  2. Each Site/Section/Call Number range will be displayed.
  3. The number of barcodes scanned from the total number of possible barcodes for the site/section displays as number/number*.
  4. - open each respective site/section summary.
  5. - add barcodes to the defined range if required.
  6. - edit the range by increasing or decreasing the call number boundaries. Note: Changing any of the range settings will automatically recalculate statistics currently displayed.
  7.  - merge scanned barcode from another open stocktake section into this stocktake section:
    1. - read instructions shown and before processing. Note: Merged barcodes will be automatically removed from the source stocktake.
  8. - delete a defined range if no longer required.

Interpreting Stocktake Progress Report Right Panel

Resources should be either on the shelf (or in a box if you have resource boxes) or they should be out on loan. If they are not then they are out of place. After all barcodes have been input for a stocktake session AND before you complete the stocktake, review the right side panel to see the state of the resources included in the stocktake:

  1. Displays Call Number, Barcode, Title and System Status for each scanned resource. Note: System status indicates the status of the resource in Infiniti. Numerous statuses can be displayed here and each represents the last know status for the resource.
  2. - out of order highlights a book that is not in its correct shelf position. Note: Only applies if a contiguous stocktake was done from beginning to end of the nominated boundaries.
  3. - lists the barcodes scanned for each site/section combination in the left panel.
  4. - print if required. Note: Correct an incorrect status for a resource by clicking on its barcode and adjusting its status accordingly.
  5. - lists the resources that should be in the defined range but have not been scanned - see Understanding Missing Resources below.
  6. - lists the resources that require further examination - see Understanding Exception Resources below.

Interpreting Stocktake Statistics
  1. Sites/Sections Started - number of site/section combinations started in the stocktake currently displayed.
  2. Barcodes Scanned - aggregate the number of barcodes scanned across all site/section combinations of the stocktake currently displayed.
  3. Missing - aggregate of the number of resources not located (possible) as expected across all site/section combinations of the stocktake currently displayed.
  4. Replacement Cost - aggregate replacement cost of all missing resources for the current stocktake. Note: Replacement cost should be recorded at cataloguing time but estimate values can be added post stocktake using a Bulk Update.

Understanding Missing Resources

According to each resource's record, those resources reported as missing should be on the shelf. Possible explanations for a resource appearing on the missing list might be:
  • it overlooked and therefore not scanned - perhaps it is obscured by another resource, or has been mis-shelved.
  • it has been borrowed or removed from this nominated shelf range without going through circulation - perhaps it has been shelved elsewhere in the library, or it is currently in use within the library, or it has been stolen.
  • it is within the nominated shelf range but the record in the holdings does not have a barcode - perhaps the barcode was not recorded at accessioning time, or perhaps it's partially processed through acquisitions, or its barcode has been deleted and not replaced.
  • - process to indicate the resource has been found. 
Note: Resources that are returned from loan after a stocktake is started are automatically processed.

Understanding Exception Resources

Resources reported as exceptions have either been mis-shelved, or they have an incorrect status, or both:

  • - lists the mis-shelved resources - these resources were scanned within the defined shelf range but should be shelved elsewhere. You can:

    •  - printed if required

    • - re-shelved to indicate you have physically re-shelved the item and, if a parallel stocktake is currently in progress in the corresponding library location where the item should have been, the item's barcode will be added to that stocktake as if it had been scanned in its correct location

    • - ignored

  • - lists the resources with any status, including locally defined statuses, that is not On shelf or In Box - these resources were scanned but their record status indicates they should not have been there. This is the last known status of each resource displayed. You can:

    • - print if required

    • - process to return resources to their correct status.

Note: Processing a resource that is mis-shelved or has incorrect status will remove it from the scanned list and either move it to the correct site/section/call number range if part of the current stocktake, or discard it until a stocktake of the correct range is undertaken.

Note: Some resources can appear on both the mis-shelved tab and wrong status tab so aggregating their numbers may not match the total number of exceptions.

Completing Your Stocktake

  1. - once you are satisfied that you have collected all barcodes.
  2. - review the report and confirm. Note: Once an active stocktake is completed no further editing is possible.
    1. Review the message displayed on the screen.
    2. - this action will automatically attach the status flag you have recorded for items missing after a stocktake by using the status reserved for items not found during the stocktake.
    3. - this action will automatically leave the status of items not found during the stocktake unchanged.
  3. - if you no longer wish to continue you can delete the stocktake.

Note: Manually editing the the status of items using the status reserved for items not found during the stocktake will distort statistics and some reports.

Missing Items Reports

These reports aggregate the items missing in each site/section/call number range of each component of an active and historical stocktake. If items listed as Missing are subsequently returned, their statues will be reset to On shelf and they will be removed from the missing report.

Stock Management

Go to: Stocktake > Stock Management

This is a dynamic report (see image below) and is therefore updated each time it is run reflecting if items have subsequently been returned to shelf. The only items listed are those that remain missing since the stocktake was completed.

  1. .
  2. - to find all resources missing before a specific date. Note: To find resources that have been missing for a long period of time choose a date that reflects the period of time you are interested in checking, e.g., if you want to find resources that have been missing for more than two (2) years, select a date two (2) years prior to the current date. 
  3. You may re-order the report by clicking the Marked Missing date button The report lists for each item:

  • Marked Missing - date the stocktake was completed and item marked Missing
  • Barcode - click to navigate to the copy details
  • Site - Site the resource is now in
  • Section - Section the item is now in
  • Call number - Local call number of copy
  • Title - click to navigate to the bibliographic details
  • Replacement cost
  • Status
  • - to Remove this record
  • - to Remove all copies listed
  •  Download report to a CSV file

Items markedin older stocktake sessions can be listed by the date they were marked missing and they can be removed with thebutton if applicable, effectively removing these resources without affecting items marked missing at more recent stocktake sessions.