The library manager can choose to allow reservations for items in their collection.
Note: Reservations are not available using generic OPAC/PicPAC search logins on walkup tablets/terminals.
Library Default Reservations
Go to: Configure > Settings > Reservations
- Use Reservations - switch
to allow circulation officers and/or users to place reservations.
- Maximum Reservations - maximum number of reservations each user can have at any one time. Note: Not setting a value or setting a value of zero will disable reservations generally unless a custom value has been set in relevant academic levels or library groups as detailed below.
- Maximum Reservation Age - maximum number of days a reservation can last under any circumstance, from the day it was created. Note: Reservations older than this will automatically expire, regardless of their status. The user will be informed by email that their reservation has expired. The next user in the reservation queue will be advised that their reserved item is available for pick up, if applicable. If maximum reservation age is set as 0, this auto-expiration behaviour is disabled and reservations may last indefinitely in the system until fulfilled, manually cancelled or expired due to a maximum duration for held items.
- Maximum Hold Duration - global maximum number of days or specific group maximum number of days a held item will be kept for, starting from the day the user is informed that the item is available for pickup. Note: This availability notice is sent to a user when they are next in the queue and the reserved item has either been returned or reservations ahead of them in queue have been fulfilled, expired or cancelled. When an item is no longer available, the reservation hold duration does not apply and will be reset for the user's reservation if the item becomes available to them again. A warning email that a held reservation is about to expire is sent one day prior to its expiration. Hold duration refers to a plain day count, library opening hours and holiday calendars are not used in the calculation. If reservation hold duration is set to 0, auto-expiration of held items is disabled and holds may last until fulfilled, manually cancelled or expired due to their maximum age.
- Ignore Remote Fulfilment - the number of days to wait before putting a local reservation onto a pull list. Note: This option is only available and applicable if Campuses have been created and imported for multiple campus libraries.
- Staff Can Choose Pickup - switch
to allow teachers to choose an alternative pickup location for cross-campus and cross-library collections. Note: This option is only available and applicable if campuses have been created and imported to manage for multiple campus libraries.
- Reserve With Alternatives - when reserving a book allow Infiniti to check for multiple copies with the same title+author or with the same ISBN and to offer the patron (reserver) the option to reserve either a selected copy or one or more alternative multiple copies. Note: This may be helpful where the multiple copies of a book with the same ISBN have been duplicated in your catalogued (and perhaps should be merged), or where different formats of the book, e.g., paperback and hard back, are in your catalogue with different ISBN or book covers but they have same content and therefore any copy would be acceptable to the patron.
your changes to save them.
Academic Level Reservations
Academic level maximum reservation limits can be overridden for specific academic levels.
Library Group Reservations
Library group maximum reservation limits can be overridden for specific group levels.
Set Sections As Non-reservable
Specific library sections can be set as non-reservable.