Each academic level in your school and each group is automatically assigned a popular searches tag cloud. The popular searches tag cloud populates itself over time to contain a maximum of 40 search terms. The cloud then automatically manages itself by maintaining the 40 most popular terms used during the most recent searching activity and dropping terms that have become less popular. The cloud remembers the type of search, e.g., author, title, subject, associated with each term and is year-level based, so as the curriculum unfolds during the year the search terms floating in each year-level search cloud reflect the topics being researched by that year level at that time. Other groups of users such as teachers share a common tag cloud.
Search tag clouds are self managing but a library manager perform some basic editing if required. The tag cloud will only contain terms that have been used to perform successful searches, e.g., if a Year 7 student searches using a particular term and that search returns a result, then the search term used is a candidate for inclusion in the Year 7 tag cloud. However some terms could be abbreviated to and appear to be inappropriate and the library manager may wish to remove such terms.
Configure > Settings > Popular Searches
- Locate the tag cloud to edit.
- Set Max Age for terms on the cloud.
- Review the Frequency, Search Type and Search Term used for each item in the tag cloud.
- Perform the actual search to check the results.
a search term if necessary.
Note: All searches can be done with one or multiple words in the search term. If multiple words are used an implied "AND" is be used and resources located will contain all the words used. The greater the number of words in the search term the smaller the number of resource located.