Portal Utilisation provides you with a general overview or summary of portal usage and engagement across your school community to assist management to understand how portals are being used by students and teachers.
Note: Google Analytics is not suitable for tracking portal usage and cannot be configured to effectively track the ongoing usage of portals by groupings. Portal Utilisation monitors student and teacher portal access and engagement without identifying individual students and teachers.
Enable Portal Utilisation
Portal Utilisation gathers data on portal usage and engagement over time. By default it must be enabled prior to data being captured and reviewed:
- Go to: LibPaths Editor > General Settings.
- Portal Utilisation Tracking to begin collecting data.
- clear all historical data collected. Note: This is irreversible.
- Explain this feature - read more about the rules, exclusions, and limitations of tracking data.
Review Utilisation of Portals
Go to: Reports > Users > Portal Utilisation
- calculate and display overall utilisation of all portals.
- overview of rules, exclusions, and limitations of utilisation tracking. Note: For privacy, tracking individuals cannot be identified.
- Apply filters as required:
- Any Academic Level - choose one of more academic levels
- Any Form Class - choose one of more form classes
- Any Cohort - choose one of more cohorts
- Any Library Group - choose one of more library groups
- Engagement Since - after this date
- Engagement Before - before this date
- Count options:
- Count Per Portal - engagement with a specific portal
- Count Academic Level - engagement by academic level
- Count Per Form Class - engagement by form class
- Count Per Cohort - engagement by cohort
- Count Per Library Group - engagement by library group
- Repeat Step 1 each time the parameters are changed.
Report Analysis
Note: All data is aggregated and individuals cannot be identified.
- PORTAL - name of portal. Note: Click {portal name} to open the portal editor in a new tab where you can review engagement statistics activity within the portal. See Portal Utilisation section on Create And Manage Portals page.
- Count - total number of known patrons who have opened the portal. Note: Known patrons are students and teacher who have authenticated to LibPaths.
- Average - time spent (hours and minutes) on the portal.
- Count - total number of unknown visitors who have opened the portal. Note: Anonymous patrons are students and teacher who have not authenticated to LibPaths.
- Average - time spent (hours and minutes) on the portal.
- LINGER - the total amount of time of all engagements with the portal.