Book reviews and star ratings may be added to any book by patrons. Reviews offer students the opportunity to write a short statement encapsulating their view of the book and start rating it. Reviews also offer library managers and teachers the opportunity to write a short statement encapsulating why students might consider reading a particular book. Reviews are limited in length to 1000 characters and can be read by other patrons to assist in determining their potential interest in a book.

Allow Resource Reviews

Go to: Configure > OPAC 

  1. Allow Patron Reviews - switchto allow patrons (students and teachers) to be able to write Library reviews about resources.
  2. Show Goodreads Reviews - switch to allow patrons (students and teachers) to view Goodreads Reviews available for this resource.  Adding a Goodreads review from the Opac requires patrons to create or login to their Goodreads account.

Note: Library Reviews are star rated and must be approved by a user with Librarian privileges before publication.  At least one star must be added to write a review.

Approve A Review

  1. From the Dashboard page, click to review new reviews, or use Cataloguing > Reviews to also see the pending reviews
  2. Clickto approve, or clickreject. Note: You can also edit the review to correct language errors prior to approving.

Adding A Review

  1. On OPAC, locate the book you intend to review.
  2. Click the book cover or title to open the details page.
  3. Open the Library Reviews tab.
  4. Students choose a star rating. Note: At least one star MUST be added.
  5. Optionally write a short review. Note: A maximum of 1000 characters is currently permitted and a counter will show how many characters have been added.
  6. Library managers and teachers can apply a badge. Note: The badge displays aswhen selected. Click again to deselect.

List patron reviews written

Patrons cannot currently search for books reviewed by another person, however you can download a report showing reviews and sorted by reviewer, so that you can see who wrote which reviews.

Go to Reports > Users > User export > choose year levels or library groups > optionally choose filters > use the Reviews dropdown to choose the list you wish > search

When a list appears on screen, use the cloud download icon   and choose Download User Reviews CSV.  This will list reviews written by date within reviewer.

The titles reviewed with a particular number of stars can be added to a list and shared with students, and the list could be added to a carousel on the library opac portal to enable students to easily access those titles.